Please note - This program is no longer active.
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Virtual Story Circles
Illustration by Eliza West
Adapting the Story Circle model we first used as a response to Tropical Storm Irene, we are hosting a series of online Virtual Story Circles via video conference to share our realities in a world threatened by a pandemic. We’ll be doing several ourselves, as well as providing community groups in the state with the guidance to host their own virtual storytelling events. Story Circles are a powerful medium because they bring people together to bear witness to the experiences of others. Although we can’t safely form in-person circles at this time, the widely available video conferencing platforms to which many of us have turned to stay connected can also connect us to share our experiences.
A Story Circle is a supported space where participants respect the testimony of others, and each Virtual Story Circle gathers a group of Vermonters with a range of perspectives to share. Just as each person’s experience of this time differs, every participant will relate their story in their own unique way. We hope that by bringing forth a multitude of perspectives in a group setting, participants and observers will encounter the broad scope of experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic as it unfolds—and that will come to define our collective understanding of this period in time.
With permission from participants, Story Circle recordings will be added to the Sound Archive, becoming part of the record of these times.
Want to host a circle?
We encourage community groups and organizations around Vermont to organize and host their own Virtual Story Circles for members of their communities. You can also download our Story Circle Guide:
What does it sound like?
Listen to excerpts from Listening in Place story circles: