Flanders Award for Traditional Vermont Music
The Flanders Award for Traditional Vermont Music provides a stipend to a Vermont musician aged 15-29 to support the perpetuation and performance of the traditional Yankee and Franco-American musical repertoire of the state.
Award funds are intended to offset the cost of travel to one or more Vermont archival repositories so the recipient can work in person with collections of field recordings, manuscripts and rare books of vocal song or instrumental music rooted in the cultural heritage of the state.
Examples of such repositories include, but are not limited to, Middlebury College Special Collections, University of Vermont Special Collections, Vermont Folklife Center Archive, and the Vermont Historical Society.
In addition to assisting with travel costs, Award funds also serve to encourage learning and rehearsal of songs/music as well as basic research into the history, social context and/or performance of the selected materials.
Examples of potential areas of basic research include the history of the selected songs, biographical details of the performers recorded by researchers, or some relevant aspect of the history of the communities in which the song was documented.
At the conclusion of the project Awardees will give a public presentation and performance at a school or other location.
Project needs to be completed in one calendar year from notification of receipt of Award and project progress will be reviewed at six months. Funds will be disbursed in two parts, half at the commencement of the project and half upon its successful conclusion.
Applications are currently closed
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact us with any questions about the program or projects prior to submitting a proposal.