Pride '83 Project
Working in partnership with Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives we are interviewing organizers of Vermont’s first gay pride parade in 1983.
The Grass-Roots Food Movement in Vermont
The Vermont Folklife Center has undertaken an ethnographic research project exploring the occupational cultures and practices of these emergent, locally focused, “grass-roots” agricultural enterprises. Photo / Eric Seitz, Pitchfork Farm, Burlington, VT.
Vermont School Transformation
Exploring transformative classrooms practices, youth and adult partnerships, and school-wide initiatives that are evolving the public school experience for students across Vermont.
Colonial Dames
In 2015, Vermont Folklife Center researchers partnered with the The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America Vermont Chapter to develop and oral history and photographic portrait project exploring the lives, passions, and character of the groups membership.