Did You Know? Music in Vermont: Songs of loss and longing
While interviews make up the vast majority of the audio and video recordings in the Archive, the collection includes a great deal of music as well. This month we feature songs of loss and longing, including hearing from Franco-American singers, Carmen Beaudoin Bombardier and Kim Chase

Franco-American Culture From the Outside: Identity and Education In Reflection
Last fall, the Vermont Folklife Center launched a limited term engagement with five educators with music and intercultural teaching expertise to develop approaches for integrating Franco-American music for K–12 in classroom learning and across content areas. Emma Auer, VFC Fall 2021 intern who participated in these meetings that concluded in early December, offers her perspective on this experience as shaped by her own educational journey in New England.

From the Archives - Dans l'temps des sucres
For the past nine months we have been working with French-Canadian music specialist (and renowned fiddler!) Lisa Ornstein on a project to enrich the documentation of one of the collections of Franco-American song in our archive, the Martha Pellerin Collection. Over this time Lisa has steadily worked her way through a series of recordings created by Martha with Alberta Gagné of Highgate, VT in 1995, researching each of Mme. Gagné’s songs in detail so we can add this new information to our online archive.