Stories on the Road to Proficiency
During the 2016-2017 school year, we worked with a group of folks who are actively engaged in school transformation. The goal of this film documentation project was to explore, document, and foster the ongoing conversation around the transition to proficiency based learning currently underway in schools across the state.
The project was undertaken in partnership with UP for Learning, with funding from the Bay and Paul Foundations—and in partnership with four Vermont public high schools: Bellows Free Academy St. Albans, Harwood UHS, Champlain Valley UHS, and Peoples Academy.
In 2013, the Vermont Board of Education passed Education Quality Standards specifying that all students must graduate in a proficiency-based learning system by 2020. The film series explores how this transition is unfolding at four high schools—in collaboration between students, teachers, administrators, and community members.
Teachers from the social studies, math, science and English content areas offer their experiences. Student testimony spans a broad, heterogeneous mix of individuals, including a class valedictorian.
In addition to broad awareness, the film was designed as a catalyst for dialogue among students, teachers and community members as we work to understand the purpose of proficiency-based learning and the promising practices which are emerging to guide this change process. For more information on these efforts, and to access resources, visit UP for Learning. Or, click here for resources.