Scenes from Trad Camp

We had a fabulous time running Trad Camp the last week in July! The camp, a longstanding Young Tradition Vermont program, took place in downtown Burlington with three dozen campers and many fabulous instructors and guest artists! Below are some scenes from camp.


Trad camp included classes in ukukele, penny whistle, sarangi, dranyen, mountain dulcimer, and several levels of fiddle playing, as well as a class about accompaniment! Students also had access to the wide range of instruments in our wonderful Instrument Petting Zoo, and had time to jam together.


In addition to the daily Songs and Tunes class, our daily All Camp Gatherings were also rich with song!


We had a chance to try everything from Contra and Morris Dance, to Burundian and West African dance, to clogging and Cape Breton style step dancing, to Tibetan dance at this year’s Trad Camp!

Crankie Making

Every year at Trad Camp, we combine art and song to make a crankie! Want to see a crankie in action? Here’s a video of the 2018 Trad Camp Crankie.


Trad camp is about learning music, but also about sharing it! Wednesday evening of camp we held a Camper/Instructor Showcase at the Fletcher Free Library. On the last day of camp, we invited families to join us for a final showcase where campers were able to show off all they’d learned during the week.

Having Fun!

And of course we also had lots of FUN, playing games, enjoying snacks, and generally being silly!

Thanks to the wonderful instructors, guest artists, campers and families who made this year’s Trad Camp so fabulous! We can’t wait for next year!


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2023 Touring Group Auditions