Mary Wesley
Mary has a background in Anthropology and completed post-graduate training at the SALT Institute for Documentary Studies in audio production and multimedia storytelling. She has worked with other Vermont non-profit organizations including Young Tradition Vermont (now part of Vermont Folklife) and the Wake Up to Dying Project to create opportunities for community education and engagement through audio stories and oral history. Mary was an intern with Vermont Folklife in 2009 and in 2013 returned as the manager for the New Neighbors Music Project. She came on staff as part of Vermont Folklife’s education team in 2018. As the current Director of Education and Media she now supports Vermont Folklife’s public learning opportunities centered around ethnographic learning and media production and also helps coordinate the Vermont Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program. Mary is also the founding producer and host of VT Untapped, VT Folklife’s own podcast that explores the state through the voices of its own residents.