Manifesting the Talents / Rory Jackson
“As a painter, my aim is to bring to life a presence to the viewer, a relationship between the earth and the people who hold covenant with it. Whether is it through light, reflection, movement or design, I want to bring everlasting life to a moment in time. As long as I can sense a progression in the development of my work, Painting will remain a central part of my life. I think Robert Henri best states my feeling of what it means to move forward as an artist when he says, “All outward success, when it has value, is but the inevitable result of an inward success of full living, full play and enjoyment of one’s faculties.”
Rory spends time between his home in Lincoln, VT and the beach of Cape Three Points, Ghana. While painting the landscape of Vermont, he focuses on the dramatic light, and space around the mountains and valleys, pivoting on his favorite Mountain of Abraham. In Ghana, Rory spends time studying seascapes, village scenes, boats and the reflective light and movement of the sea and the life that depends on its abundance. “All honest observation absorbs into my successes a true vibrancy of life. The balance of the two places keeps my interest in subject matter fresh, while marking each year’s progress in two very different seasons.” I watch both my sons continue the artistic interest in bringing to life these moments we observe. It is a joy to have the privilege to create, and to watch my own children follow their creative intuition. Allowing a story to manifest reassures me that I am moving in the right direction.
Edgewater Gallery, located in Middlebury - Vermont’s artistic and intellectual capital - has been contributing to the local culture with vibrant exhibitions from emerging and established artists, drawing national and international collectors and collaborating with a diverse local artisan community. ”